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GA-MA790XT-UD4P and G.SKILL F3-12800CL9D-4GBNQ

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  • GA-MA790XT-UD4P and G.SKILL F3-12800CL9D-4GBNQ


    One week ago I bought some new components for my PC:
    Gigabyte GA-MA790XT-UD4P
    G.SKILL F3-12800CL9D-4GBNQ
    AMD Phenom 965 BE

    I have some problems to get the system running without errors. At first it was impossible to use the dual channel mode. I could only use the single channel mode (switched the sticks to the different banks)

    After some try and error actions I found a bios setting that allows me to run both sticks in dual channel mode:

    DDR Voltage: 1,7V
    Southbridge Voltage: 1,3V
    Northbridge Voltage: 1,2V
    Bank interleaving: disabled
    Channel interleavin: disabled

    Memory Timings are controlled by SPD. Clockspeed is 1333 MHz.

    Sisoft Sandra reports a memory bandwidth of 9,69 GB/s Integer und 11,28 GB/s Flie?komma.

    I don?t know if the system is stable right now. I have to test it.

    I am a little confused because the combination of memory and mainboard should work together. On both websites (G.Skill and Gigabyte) the components are declared to be compatible... so I thought everything should work with the default settings... seems to me that i am wrong

    Do you have any suggestions?

    I would appreciate your help very much and i have to excuse my bad english because i am from germany...


  • #2
    Would you like to load default setting and set dram frequency to 1600 and timing to 9-9-9-24(tCL-tRCD-tRP-tRAS)2N@1.5v?
    NB and HT voltage alsio have to be set to 1.4-1.5v
    and please tell us what your result is



    • #3
      Thank you for your reply.

      I loaded the default settings and configured the BIOS as you told me (I could send you the pictures of the bios-screen if you want me to do that).

      The result was that the system didn?t boot at all. Now BIOS-Screen. After a few seconds the system does a reboot and the memory timings are set to 1333 MHz automatically. I tried to increase the DDR3 Voltage, set the trfc to 300 ns and disabled channel and bank interleaving (in every possible combination). Everything leads to an unstable system. I get a blue screen after a few seconds when I startup windows. The only thing that works is configuring the sticks in single channel mode and load the bios defaults...with these settings the system seems to be stable but the memory bandwith is very poor...

      What can I do now? Thanks for your help in advance!


      • #4
        Did you set the memory voltage to 1.5v?



        • #5
          I set it to standard, but I don?t know what voltage is used in this mode. If I set the voltage manually the smallest value that?s available is 1.65V. 1.5V can?t be set manually.

          I will give the kit back to my dealer on wednesday and he will check it. Maybe they change it.
          Last edited by AndiY; 11-16-2009, 10:25 AM.


          • #6
            sometimes high memory voltage would make it unstable to run at rated spec
            is the BIOS already up to date?
            if not, try to update to the latest BIOS version



            • #7
              Yes, I installed the newest BIOS (F6). One guy in the german G.Skill forum told me that the Gigabyte boards often cause problems. I will wait until wednesday and tell you the result.

              Thanks for your effort so far.


              • #8
                It?s time for an update. I got my computer back from the dealer where I bought cpu, memory and board and now the system runs stable. They flashed the f7b (Beta!!!) Bios for my board. I think that is the most important thing. I had the f6 bios before and usually I don?t like beta versions. Another limitation is that the memory only works in ganged mode. If I switch to unganged mode the system won?t boot at all. But I think I can live with this. It is also possible to run with 1600 MHz. Everything with standard timings. Memorybandwith is about 10.5 GB/s (SiSoft).
                Last edited by AndiY; 11-25-2009, 02:15 AM.


                • #9
                  thanks for updating this info
                  and we're glad to hear that your system works fine now



                  • #10
                    Could you tell me what are your settings now please ? (i have same mobo / same DDR3, can't have a stable system since 3 weeks)


                    • #11
                      I have the F7 BIOS and use standard settings for dram configuration except two settings. I have to configure the ram in ganged mode and the memory speed has to be set to 1333 MHz. That?s all. The system runs very stable now in dual channel mode since 10 weeks. Hope that this will help you.

