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i need timmings that arnt listed on product page also some help

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  • i need timmings that arnt listed on product page also some help

    ok I have a core i7 920 and a intel DX58OG motherboard. also im only gonna run dual channel memory found tri channel to be problematic on couple different boards and couple different tri channel mem sets so

    this is the memory im using

    iv found no way to use the memory profiles and the advanced memory timmings for that memory arnt listed anywhere on gskill site.

    id like to run my processor at 3.8 or 3.9 but will be fine if just 3.6ghz

    theres some features on this board that idk if it makes the system stable or not and I cannot find any refrence to these terms for intels bios in the manual for the board. such as

    qpi power management
    setting a processor voltage in dynamic it says gives the processor a new refrence or seting it in static wich is a constant voltage I know static not sure what it means to set in dynamic then set a voltage for dynmic.

    theres another one in the bios that I think gives it a lot of extra juice found that setting to be bad to turn on but I don't know for sure. oh and theres memory voltage trainging? no idea what that is either. but I know the basic featurs like C states and speedstep ect

    how can I achieve my overclock? how can I get this memory running faster then 1400mhz or whatever it is at 3.6 or how can I get the processor to 3.80ghz and the memory running closer to 1800mhz?

    Last edited by winterlord; 04-18-2013, 12:40 PM.

  • #2
    First make sure you have the latest BIOS (can find it here:

    then I'd start with the sticks in slots 2-4 (from CPU), boot to BIOS, enable XMP, select the 1866 profile and give it a try....hopefully that will work, but if not (XMP is a Intel creation, but they haven't followed through with it real well on their own mobos) go back to BIOS and head to the base timings, which should show 9-10-9-28, the DRAM voltage should be at 1.5 and the CR (Command Rate) should be at 2T...even if they show correctly, go ahead and put them in manually to lock them in, with the exception of the DRAM voltage, set it to 1.55 and give that a try, and let us know what happens

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    • #3
      I do have the most up to date bios and the first 2 banks closest to cpu wont work iv tried several boards is always the same with different sets of tri chnnle memory that iv given up on triple channel so I use banks 3 and 5 and cpu-id reports it as being in dual channel mode this way.also thiss board was the last mobo I tried to get tri channel working but this board is new and the first two banks same thing it wont boot if something is in them. have also always tested the different sets of ram one by one as well, if we can get it going without the first two banks that's most likely all that can be done iv RMA'd motherboards over the years ect and just given up on getting them two to work lol.

      as for the XMP profile im pretty sure there is no XMP profile option its either auto or manual and auto sets it to 1066. if im missing something please do direct me to this XMP profile. the gigabyte board I switched from it had XMP but not this board that I can find. any guidance here would be much appreciated.

      also note too when using prime to test stability the first option small fft's it passes all the time, but if I do large ffts, or blend wich uses memory heavy the computer will turn on just blink no freaze or nothing just off. after about 15seconds. the PSU is good its 3yrs old but is a cooler master real power pro 650 heatsink is a zalman led 9500 and its in a antech 1200 case fully loaded with highspeed fans and a fan controller bay

      the on;ly way I can get prime to pass the large ffts and blend test is at stock everything only other low level overclock I tried was at 3.2ghz and it wouldn't pass that just turned off. I think theres somthin that makes the cpu draw to much power and the off is a feature to save from damage is my best guess still toyin with it I cranked up the vcore to 1.35 and qpi to 1.335 ioh set at 1.2 id like it to run at 3.8 but guess the big thing here isfinding the XMP profile or finding what to set all the advanced numbers at have selected basic instead of advance and just put in the numbers like you said and it wouldn't boot when I select advanced well there is no auto for the long list of timings and the timings under advanced are for memory at 1066 and I cannot find the timmings for the gskill memory cant find the advanced timmings. I can take pictures of the screens for you if that would help you help me
      Last edited by winterlord; 04-18-2013, 02:04 PM.


      • #4
        If slots 2-4 don't work, try 1-3 (regardless of which slots, with only 2 sticks it will only run dual channel - need 3 or more sticks for tri-channel). The mobo is advertised as XMP compliant, but if not showing up, then manually set the base timings to spec, the DRAM to 1.55, the CR to 2T, and the DRAM freq to 1866, if no joy try same at 1600. If still problems (and there may be, this is one of the reasons I don't use Intel mobos, their BIOS is done poorly and they don't design their mobos to do anything performance wise, they just want staid mobos and for people to run everything at stock (generally for DRAM 1066/1333) let us know

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        • #5
          yea im fine with dual channel and cpu-id reports it as being in dual channel. I have tri channel kits but first 2 never work iv had different boards and mem to try. I have set the basic settings manualy before but to get it closer to 1866 I had to change the uncore multi to 20 and memory multi to 10 and I could not get it to boot this way.

          I know intel aint know for enthousist but this board was spose to be of there enthusiast extreame series. it does have one thing that resembles where youd selectr the XMP profile however I select it wich is automatic and it says on the side when set to automatic the bord forces itself to eread the profiles off the silicone of the hardware. and it sets the numbers to 1066mhz with 7-7-7-19 timmings, 1.51v and these are nowhere close to what this memory is. and it does say set a memory profile--- automatic or manual and well auto aint it so id do it manual but what are the advanced timmings like


          weather I use basic timings or advanced it still uses those timings there and theres are ste for 1066 so I need to know what to set them to and how to set volt to make it boot with a uncore x20 and mem multi of 10 the second pic, the stuff in yellow is what it wants to set when I select memory performance profile. its not an optiuon like on the gigabyte board profile 1 profile 2 ect its automatic or manual auto is the yellow stuff
          Attached Files
          Last edited by winterlord; 04-18-2013, 03:14 PM.


          • #6
            Sounds like a bad mobo or a bad CPU, if DRAM won't work in the A channel, then somethings wrong (most likely the mobo, though it could be the MC (Memory Controller) in the CPU. I'd RMA it or better yet, if you can, get a refund

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            • #7
              anyway you can get ahold of a white sheet or somthin with all the advanced settings? figured out trc is 37. still a bunch more theres no info anywhere on. yea iv rma'd boards and bought new ones iv been with the old i7 920 since it first came out seems to happen with every board I get like a bios virus or somthin idk and the cpu well intel refused it was that when it was in warranty and its out of warranty now but iv asked that question to them a lot is it p[ossable parts the memory controller are out. but if I could get some advanced settings maybe I could make it work I don't know im not a pro with it but if someone had an x58 and was usin this memory I dunno. it fails with anything memory intensive but yea I have another board right here that's prolly better but it lacks so much was the very first one they made and was discontinued withen months of being released 4 or 5 yrs ago

              only other thing I can think of, is every board since day one and triple channel worked for the first few months on the first one, but iv always used a zalman 9500 with a bracket kit to make it fit a socket 1366 and the screws that came with kit where strange screws but they malfunctioned or somthin and zzalman sent me regular copper screws that fit much better (I think everyone had problems with the screws that where pre attached to the braket) anyways when I installed this board few weeks back I did hear a slight scratch. ifthe screws are to long then there barly to long but on my other board I loosened one and had dual channel instead of single channel only for a little bit though.
              Last edited by winterlord; 04-18-2013, 06:36 PM.


              • #8
                I hate the rma process if I knew for certain to get a new cooler and rma the board then id prolly do it in an instant but the first board I had I rma'd3 times with no successthis one is brand nee though so idk 3yr warranty I think. but even if 3channles worked and I used one the tri channel memory kits iv already looked only the basic settings are on your guys's product page and for my intel board I may actauily need to enter them all manualy not just the 9-10-9-29 T2
                Last edited by winterlord; 04-18-2013, 06:43 PM.


                • #9
                  From the sounds of the number of mobos, etc, think that may narrow it down to the CPU, there are no exact secondary timings, they will often differ from one vrand to another and many times will differ even with the same exact model of mobo, one normally eay check is to pop the sticks in a different system (if you don't have another check with friends - coworkers, etc)

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                  • #10
                    after looking at dozzens and dozzens of other peoples overclocks some of wich where on the exact board im using now it's the advanced timmings that are way, way off and not allowing me to use the speeds of these things. not concerned really with the first two banks I can do without but iv conconcluded I need the advanced timmings for this gskill memory set. do you know them? im sure gkskill tech support wont know but i'll call anyways an see. if that don't work call corporate see if they know? itsa past the point of getting a refund for the memory to get a set I can find the timmings I need, so those are my options and then theres the BBB if corporate don't return my calls. i'l start with calling tech support though seems like the logical next step if no-one in the forums know. I relize these advanced timmings can sometimes vary but I don't even have a ballpark figure.

                    ram that's speced at 1600mhz has timmings like
                    tWR---------------------------- [10]
                    and those are just for ram at 1600mhz for this set probably different and being 1866mhz sniper series there prolly a bit higher, and mine are way lower then both. so basicly I need some timeings atleast a ballpark numbers and I can tinker from there but it be nice if someone would know what there products timmings are.
                    its no wonder I cant get them stable on any setting cause the advanced timmings are not to mention those where from old articles when people where using volts like 1.65 1.70, I wont try anything beyond 1.65 though and I shouldn't need to

                    twr 8
                    twtr 4
                    trtp 4
                    trc 26
                    tfaw 20
                    Last edited by winterlord; 04-20-2013, 12:44 PM.


                    • #11
                      With 8GB, might try tWR 12, tRRD 6, tWTR 7, tRTP 7, tRC 34, tFAW 25 also what is it setting tRFC at 112 or so?

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                      • #12
                        it dos'nt auto set anything only auto options there are are for the command rate. the wierest thing about what its stock settings are (with wich I never changed the advanced settings when I first got it but) its default settings the basic ones, are the ones I put in when I first got the board but it somehow saved those as default like when somthin don't boot or like they where original manufacter settings and I know there what I put in first time I opened the bios when I got it. (the dvnced defaults or whatever I assume are just how it came.

                        I know this is all off topic and not really the goal but been tinkering and wanted to note that the memory is fine in the banks its in I set it at 7-7-7-24 cmd rate t1 at 1480mhz (since it scales with the cpu blck) and it passed memtest fine. it ran for 3hours just fine so I know the memory has potential and is good.

                        getting it to run at a higher speed though(with the proper timmings of course) well the only way I now how to do tht or can do that is by raising the mem multi and uncore . or by lowering the max cpu multi to 19x just thought id note this in case it helps any. I will try the advanced settings you mentioned with the basic 9-10-9-29 2t settings and get back with ya might be gone till Monday though not sure yet.

                        I have not tried changing those mentioned advanced settings cause I know nothing bout them I have however tried running the designed basics 9-10-9-29 t2 with the trfc anywhere from 125-145
                        Last edited by winterlord; 04-20-2013, 07:31 PM.


                        • #13
                          Let me know how thoase go, and I'll try to see what I can dig out

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