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Model F3-14900CL10Q-32GBZL and GIGABYTE GA-990FXA-UD3

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  • #31
    Nope. Didn't like that either.


    • #32
      I'm going to drop a line to a couple builders I network with that build on AMD and see what they say, may be Sat PM before I get anything

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      • #33
        Originally posted by Tradesman View Post
        I'm going to drop a line to a couple builders I network with that build on AMD and see what they say, may be Sat PM before I get anything
        Thanks for all the help. I really appreciate it.


        • #34
          Originally posted by Tradesman View Post
          I'm going to drop a line to a couple builders I network with that build on AMD and see what they say, may be Sat PM before I get anything
          Did you get any info?


          • #35
            One AMD guy guy has come back and suggested either trying the sticks at 1333, then if you get them stable there, upping to 1600 - and thinks 1600 may be about it. He hasn't had any real luck running 32 with but 1 8350 at 1866

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            • #36
              TY. I can run 2 sticks at 1866 no problems. Just can't run 32gig at 1600.


              • #37
                Have you contacted the mobo maker to see if they are working on a new BIOS to better support 32GB

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                • #38
                  Originally posted by Tradesman View Post
                  Have you contacted the mobo maker to see if they are working on a new BIOS to better support 32GB
                  No I haven't. I'll give that a try.


                  • #39
                    Let us know what they say GB and Asus (actually all of them), pop these mobos out with a bare basic BIOS and then play catchup with the higher freq and higher quantity sets of DRAM, most all 'testing' is done at the mobo default (normally 1066 or 1333 with AMD) so even if the they show a set of 2133 on their QVL it was tested at the default, ergo people buy 1866, 2133, 2400 sticks and have trouble running them and the mobo maker 9 times out of ten tell you to go to the DRAM maker - obviously I disagree w/ this as if they are going to run 2133/2400 etc and advertise as such they need either A) actually test at the rated freq or B) place a VERY CLEAR DISCLAIMER that YES< THESE STICKS WILL WORK< BUT AT 1333 (or whatever the default boot freg is) see my info thread here:


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                    • #40
                      I'll let you know what they say.


                      • #41
                        Been tied up, but waiting to hear

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                        • #42
                          I was referred to this on thier forum.


                          Still waiting to hear directly fom them.


                          • #43
                            Nice thoughts in that post, AMD strongly advertises basically the max DRAM freqs any particular CPU can handle rather than the base DRAM freq as Intel does (most w/ Intel being 1333/1600), the base (real 'native' freq for newer AMD CPUs is 1333 though you often find advertised 'native' 1866 (and they don't mention that is for 2 sticks of 4GB sticks). It's basically a gambit to one up Intel, but believe they are finding (and have been) it been backfiring as many have been swearing off AMD for Intel due to their deceptive advertising. You can see AMDs freq guide here:


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