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GSkill Trident X - F3-2400C9D-8GTXD Issues

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  • GSkill Trident X - F3-2400C9D-8GTXD Issues

    So I bought 4x 8gb Kits of the GSkill Trident X 2400 CAS9 ram for my new 3930k / Rampage IV Extreme build. (I wanted 8gb sticks but stock was not available at the time.) I do a lot with VM's so I wanted 32GB Total.

    I am aware that I would probably not be able to run 8 dims at 2400 spec. but they were inexpensive so even if I had to run at 2133 / 1866 or relax the timings a bit I would be fine with that.

    I tested the 4 kits individually using stock timings, etc that the kits were designed for.
    VCCSA and VTT are both at 1.2V, Mem is at the rated 1.65V.

    Two of the kits work fine at 2400 with stock settings. I can even run all 4 sticks together that tested fine at 2400 but without some time / voltage tweaking they would not run stable at 2400 but run perfectly fine at 2133 which was pretty much expected running multiple kits.

    I am running Prime95 Blend in order to test the memory stability. 2 of the kits will run overnight with no issues either individually or together.

    The other two kits barely work at all.

    One kit will not run 2400/2133 or 1866. I have been able to get it to run at 1600 with some tweaking but that is pretty much unacceptable from a cost perspective.

    The other kit will not run 2400/2133 but will run 1866 with a bit of tweaking which is really not good.

    I am pretty much at a loss of what to do because if I mix one of the bad kits with my good kits then I have to clock everything down to satisfy the bad sticks or everything is unstable otherwise I paid way to much for 1600 ram with relaxed timings lol.

    The serial #'s on the kits are fairly close together ending in 375,376,391,392,393,399,400.

    Do you think I am looking at an RMA situation?

    I have been building PC's for over 20 years so I am not a noob but I would at least like the kits to be able to run the rated speed when tested individually. I know it is not a mb/cpu issue as I have 2 kits that do it perfectly well individually or when paired up.
    Last edited by djenkins2604; 03-16-2013, 10:01 AM.

  • #2
    DO you have the latest BIOS? Did you manually set each set as they were tested or were each tested under XMP? I'd prob start w/ the sets giving problems and test each stick individually with Memtest. I'm guessing might have a bad stick in the one set in particular. Another option would be to clear the CMOS before testing each stick and doing so under XMP.

    With the thought in mind that any time you mix sets it can be problematic...and a whole lot more so when when trying to mix 4 sets, plus w/ 8 sticks you have a lot more stress on the MC (Memory Controller) than w/ 4, I'd suggest RMAing them off and get a set of 4x8GB...

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    • #3
      I updated the bios, I was one update behind, we will see if it makes a difference.

      I tested the kits individually using xmp and by setting manually. Only the 2 of the 4 kits would run at 2400 and the other 2 had issues over 1600 no matter what I tried. I used Aida64 to pull the extended timings from SPD.

      For RMA with newegg I would need to return the whole kit so I did not bother testing the individual sticks.

      Thanks for the reply but I have already been issued an RMA, I wish the 8gb sticks had been in stock when I ordered originally but I don't think it should be a real problem running 8 sticks. I'm fine with running relaxed settings or lower speed but when a single kit running by itself has issues running over 1600mhz when it's rated to 2400mhz, its an issue for me. =p


      • #4
        Are you going to the 4x8GB then, it's a sweet set (that's what I've got in my Z77), and on a X79 chances of running the full 2400 is better, 4sticks vs 8 is less stress on the MC (Memory Controller) which comes in handy with, especially with high freq sets. I know with my 3570K the 32GB of 2400 isn't really a problem, but that's it.. if I only run 2 sticks I can OC them to 2666 and even with 3, up to 2600 (with a voltage push), but all 4 sticks it's just 2400

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        • #5
          Yeah, I am returning the 2 good kits I have and have already ordered a 4x8 32gb 1.5v 2133 kit.

          Unfortunately stupid my threw the boxes away for the other 2 kits so I am stuck with them and will probably end up having to RMA them through GSkill. I tested the individual sticks and windows will not even boot even with one 4gb stick set to 1600.

          In the mean time while I wait on the new sticks to come in I went locally and bought a couple cheap khx blu's 8gb 1600 and they are working like a champ.


          • #6
            Keep us updated

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