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I can't get my G.SKILL Ripjaws Z Series 64GB modules to work @2400MHz

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  • I can't get my G.SKILL Ripjaws Z Series 64GB modules to work @2400MHz

    Intel 3930K with an ASRock X79 Extreme6 motherboard.
    I cannot get these modules to work right. They work fine @1866MHz. My MB has two XMP presets for 2400 the second one doesn't boot up at all and the first one will boot into W7 and work fine untill I try to unrar something or anything that strains the memory at all. The tech I am corresponfing to via email said to bump up the voltage on the VCCSA to 1.3
    This did not work either. It works fine untill the PC has been on for about an hour then I get errors in RARs and video encodes.
    He said to take all the memory out and test them one module at a time but I am sure that he is unaware of how cramped my case is or how long it will take for each of the memory sticks to fail. I really need this working.
    Any ideas?

  • #2
    Ensure you have the latest BIOS, and you could try raising the VTT which is the MC (memory controller) voltage to 1.2 or so....or I'd try at 2133, haven't seen many 3930K's that can handle 2400, many even have problems with 2133 when carrying 64GB.

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    • #3
      it would have been informative to have known this before I purchased it.


      • #4
        That has long been one of my major gripes w/ mobo makers (see my info thread here:

        they advertise their mobos as runningDRAM but provide no info on how they 'test' or what CPU they use, how many sticks were used, etc and more often than not simply test sticks at the mobo default of 1333 or 1600.

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        • #5
          You can always use them at DDR3-2133 with lower timings, you just need to configure the settings properly in BIOS. Post some pictures so we can take a look to make sure settings are what they should be.

          Thank you
          GSKILL TECH


          • #6
            FWIW, it's highly unlikely that Asrock is suggesting that their mobo is going to run 64 GB. of RAM @ 2400 MHz. primarily based on the limitations of the CPU IMC, not the mobo. It might run 16 GB. @ 2400 MHz. but I would be surprised if it would run 64 GB. @ 2400 MHz. Intel rates that CPU to run RAM @ 1066/1333/1600 MHz. so 2400 MHz. w/64 GB. density is a real stretch IME.

            You can test overnight with Memtest86+ V4.20 to see it it shows any issues. That would be a starting point without having to remove any of the RAM.


            • #7
              True, that's more a load for a 3960X which can run 64GB of 2400, as both GSkill Tech and I mentioned and suggested 2133. However to suggest it 'might' run 16GB of 2400 may speak for your experience. A 3930K can carry 32GB of 2400, my 3570K also 'rated' to 1333/1600 per Intel, and not as strong as a 3930K, currently carries 32GB of 2400

              Click image for larger version

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              • #8
                there is no option in my BIOS to run @ 2133
                I will have to set the timings manually
                Does anyone have a list of correct timings for this RAM @2133MHz?


                • #9
                  Do you have the latest BIOS, should have an option for 2133, if not may have a corrupt BIOS, which actual set do you have, the F3-10666CL9Q2-64GBZL or the F3-10666CL10Q2-64GBZL? The two run different timings and voltages (and will at 2133)

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                  • #10
                    Would an EXTREME have improved ONCE-Ler's chances?

                    I ask becase am about to buy a 3930k.
                    Hopefully my 64gb of 2400mhz ripjaws z is bought as of today.
                    I say hopefully, because I've had to buy from Germany to get it and the last German company I bought from turned out to not have any after all, despite taking my order and money (what is the German for 'out of stock'? and why don't they know it?).

                    I contacted gskill's technical support and they say the expense of an extreme isn't justifiable.
                    I couldn't agree more- but is it necessary?

                    I'm buying a new system in the hope of finally to be able to use a complex photoshop brush without the 'paint' being 6 inches and 30 seconds behind the cursor. I understand (or think I do) that each part of a system plays it's part in the end performance and that the worst of it is that buying a cpu is a like buying a lottery ticket: you might have a winner... or not.
                    But would an extreme's extra 3 MB cache and 4 way association have made the difference of being able to squeeze ONCE-Ler's last 400mhz out of the memory?

                    Tradesman, you say you haven't seen many 3930k's hit 2400 Mhz, what about extremes?

                    I certainly don't want to spend twice as much on the cpu, but if it's going to make the difference between a system that does what I need, and one that doesn't quite; then maybe I have to?

                    Or is it ONCE-Ler's board? Gskill only certify (if that's not too strong a word) the 2400 Mhz 64GB's for RIVEs, where does that leave ONCE-Ler's Asrock? I will get a RIVE; but will I get a refund if I can't hit 2400Mhz; or will it all be put down to the shortcomings of the processor?

                    Tradesman, you say one of your gripes is that MOBO manufacturer's don't test memory properly. But memory manufacturers also make blanket claims for compatibility. ONCE-Ler bought 64GB of 2400 Mhz memory 'designed for intel X79 platform' ; he's paid for 64Gb @ 2400 Mhz, is he (or she) wrong to expect it?

                    What I expect is the option to hit 50GB/s bandwidth- with as low voltage as possible; then I know I'm getting the most out of the processor, with as little damage as possible; and if the paint's still six inches behind the cursor... then at least I've tried. Suggestions on a postcard please.

                    Bare (or suffer) with me, this is was my first post; but what I'd REALLY like to know is: how do I upload a custom avatar? I can't see the button anywhere. Or indeed any avatar, the defaults don't seem to work either!

                    ps Tradesman: I realise you are not employed by GSkill, so please don't take the *****es about memory to heart. I think you are doing a sterling job. Though if you're not employed by GSkill I don't know why...
                    Last edited by Maxcellerate; 03-08-2013, 04:34 AM.
                    WORLD DOMINATION FOR ALL !


                    • #11
                      What's the rest of your system, or system to be? Many things can contribute to lag in Photoshop, one of the biggest I've found is slow hard drives (especially with large images (can be speeded up with a SSD or even better, create a RAM disk and copy the image to the RAM Disk and work on it from there, that way the system isn't constantly writing data back and forth to the hard drive), a slow video card can also have an adverse effect as can to little DRAM.

                      The additional power and cache of the 3960X helps it yes, the extreme seems to take higher voltages without as much heat and the the 3930K, I've heard, has a somewhat touchy MC (Memory Controller) which has appeared accurate to me as a few 3930Ks I've worked with can handle 2400 much, much better than others (lower voltage, better latency) and a few just haven't been able to run it.

                      As far as a refund, etc, you'd have to take that up with GSkill, I can only speak from my own experiences and I've never even had to consider asking for a refund (knock on wood) basically all the GSkill DRAM I've used on my own and my clients systems has worked fine and to spec (in fact with DDR3, I've even been able to OC all to the next base level (with the proper hardware, i.e. my 32GB 2400 Tridents I can't OC with my 2570K, but if I throw in a 3770K, I can run them at 2666 on the same rig).

                      Good question on the QVL and mobos vs DRAM and I've said about mobos - when they put out their QVLs, the basically stick the sticks in and if it boots/runs, good to go! But as you no doubt know 64 GB at 2400 requires a lot from everything, but you take those same sticks and pop them in and leave at the mobos default, of say 1600, it's not going to require an OC (as 2400 does), it's not going to require the higher voltage that 2400 will, etc. Then we go to DRAM (and not all DRAM manufacturers do things the same way), and we'll stick with GSkill, you can go and look at their sticks and check and see what mobos they have certified the sticks to run on - under the stick's specified freq. (I would like to know what CPU was used during the testing). In short, especially in this day and age and for anyone even considering building a high end system, they need to research basically each and every component, and to me anyway, preferably not based only on the manufacturer's advertising (except maybe for Intel, who tends to understate capabilities of their CPUs0 and to the other extreme is AMD which tends to overstate capabilities. So in your example, yes he bought an item based on the advertising, but did he see if it was certified by GSkill?

                      I myself, seldom to never check what's been certified by GSkill, but I and many other builders, techs, IT folks, enthusiasts, etc are to a degree exceptions....I've been building longer than I care to remember and playing with memory has always intrigued me, going clear back to the 286 and discovering the 64 bit window of memory that allowed one to access extended memory think the window was E000-EFFF, and that you could add the sliver of memory reserved for CGA video if you were using VGA. Anyway, I'm comfortable working with DRAM and the advanced timings which can play a lot into whether DRAM will work with a system of not.

                      Let me check on the Avatar, little tied up at the moment, looked into that a while back, but it hasn't come in a long time will check on it.

                      And don't worry about me taking anything to heart (I have none just kidding)...the thing I like about the forums here, is that basically eveyday I run into a problem I've encountered before ...or better for me....a problem I MIGHT ENCOUNTER! While I enjoy helping people, many of the folks here don't realize that they are helping me and many others by voicing their problems and seeking help...

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                      • #12
                        Well thank you very much for such a full and useful reply. On your recommendation I've now ordered a 3960x instead of a 3930k and will be sending you the bill for the difference .
                        I have an SSD for the OS, one for apps and a HD for files. My hope is that with 64gb memory photoshop never has to hit a hard drive at all.

                        The motherboard has changed from the P79X PRO to the RIVE for the sake of the 2400 ripjaws. Yes I did check which board (note the singular) was certified by GSkill. The downside is the omission of asus' ramdisk utility from the RIVE (I can't find any reference to the use of hardware for the ramdisk) there are other software solutions out there so if I find I need a ramdisk and I don't think I will, they'll have to do. Sadly no one seems to do DRAM based ramdisks anymore- all SSD's - which I don't consider suitable for photoshop as the constant writes cause too much wear.

                        If 64gb isn't enough I'll sort out a HD raid.

                        The GPU is a 7970, for the OpenCl performance, and 6gb to minimise toing and froing on the pci bus. The parts of photoshop that use the GPU, like filters, can stand a little wait anyway.

                        And apart from the 44Mhz toasted sandwich maker that's it.

                        I'll post here how I get on with using brushes; it's information that I could have done with but couldn't find anywhere- all photoshop benchmarks use repeatable/quantifiable actions such as opening closing rotating bluring etc. which to my mind aren't performance critical anyway.

                        I won't be applying to GSkill for a refund just yet, I think somewhere between fitting the modules and switching on the power will be ideal .
                        I plan to start low and increase things only if I need to; but if I need 2400Mhz on a RIVE with an extreme and can't get it... that's when I start looking for refunds.

                        Thanks again for your reply.

                        ps please do let me know about the avatar.
                        Last edited by Maxcellerate; 03-08-2013, 06:15 AM.
                        WORLD DOMINATION FOR ALL !


                        • #13
                          Looks like it will be a supernice rig, you've done you're research. Yes, writes are still the bane of SSDs, which is why I through in the RAM Disk suggestion, depending on image size, may want to try DataRam, they have a free 4GB version of their RAMDisk software that works well, and their regular Personal version is reasonable ($19), can see here:


                          On the Avatars, it doesn't appear to be enabled at the moment, dropped GSkill a note to see if it's allowable to enable it. Will get back to you when I get a response and let you know.

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                          • #14
                            Ok,and thanks for the link Tradesman.
                            WORLD DOMINATION FOR ALL !


                            • #15
                              Avatars wasn't fully set up, just finished so the option is there now

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