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Help Requested with F3-16000CL9D-4GBRH

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  • Help Requested with F3-16000CL9D-4GBRH

    Hello Support,

    I've been working to get 4 sticks (2 sets) of F3-16000CL9D-4GBRH working in my Asus P7P55D-E Pro system (BIOS at v1602). The CPU is an i7-860.

    I used this post as the starting point:

    I get random Memtest-86 (v4.0a) errors with all four sticks installed. Sometimes I'll make a complete pass, sometimes not. The failures never seem to occur at the same spot in the memory or even on the same test.

    I've tested each stick individually and tried using both primary slots. Everything seems to be OK for between 4 and 11 tests with individual sticks.

    I then tested each set of two in the primary slots. Both sets completed 4+ passes on Memtest without error.

    I'm not sure what changes should be made to get the system stable with all four sticks. I'm perfectly happy to run them slower if that would help on this system to just get 8gb and stable. Any advice would be appreciated.

    Last edited by dijon; 10-17-2012, 06:19 PM.

  • #2
    Prob first want to get the latest BIOS, 1703, then can try with the settings you referenced, except you'll want the freq at 1600, the DRAM Timing Mode at 2N, and will need to raise the QPI/VTT, might want to start at + 0.06 from the present setting

    Pls offer comments on support I provide, HERE, in order to help me do a better job here:



    • #3
      If I change the frequency to 1600 do I need to lower BCLK?


      • #4
        Lowering the BCLk will lower your CPU OC

        Pls offer comments on support I provide, HERE, in order to help me do a better job here:



        • #5
          No success yet. It's usually failing on test 9 - Random Number Sequence. Failing address seems to be between 4900Mb and 5900Mb.


          Ai Overclock Tuner: Manual
          OC From CPU Level Up: Auto
          CPU Ratio Setting: 17.0
          BCLK Frequency: 167
          DRAM Frequency: DDR3-1670Mhz

          QPI/VTT (IMC Voltage): 1.26250 (actual fluctuating between 1.275 - 1.293)
          DRAM Voltage: 1.6500 (actual at 1.653)

          CAS# Latency: 9
          RAS# to CAS# Delay: 9
          RAS# PRE Time: 9
          RAS# ACT Time: 27

          Timing Mode: 2N


          • #6
            You're using the wrong version of memtest86, you should be using memtest86+ v4.20

            Also, that is only for individual memory testing. For stability testing of 4 modules and your settings, you should use a stress test like HyperPi or Prime95. Look in the overclocking section of this forum.

            Thank you
            GSKILL TECH


            • #7
              I wasn't even able to keep Windows from BSOD long enough to run Prime95 when I started.

              I've switched to the suggested memtest86+ 4.20.

              I've been able to get 3 sticks stable so far.

              I'm not sure about the QPI/VTT (IMC Voltage) set at 1.26250. Is that about right or too high?

              Thanks for all of the help so far!


              • #8
                It's going to vary from mobo to mobo and brand to brand, could add + 0.05 to DRAM voltage if you want to try and lower MC voltage or to help stabilize

                Pls offer comments on support I provide, HERE, in order to help me do a better job here:



                • #9
                  Depends on DRAM frequency, timings, voltage, and how many modules are installed.

                  First you should test each module with basic settings to make sure they are error free, then you can attempt OC.

                  Thank you
                  GSKILL TECH

                  Originally posted by dijon View Post
                  I wasn't even able to keep Windows from BSOD long enough to run Prime95 when I started.

                  I've switched to the suggested memtest86+ 4.20.

                  I've been able to get 3 sticks stable so far.

                  I'm not sure about the QPI/VTT (IMC Voltage) set at 1.26250. Is that about right or too high?

                  Thanks for all of the help so far!


                  • #10
                    I'm not trying to OC. I just want the system stable, at any speed, with all 4 DIMMs installed. As indicated in the original post, I have tested each stick individually and in dual channel pairs.


                    • #11
                      Try DDR3-1333 8-8-8-24 1.50V and see how many modules you can use until unstable. Sounds like the two kits may not be compatible with each other in a single system.

                      Thank you
                      GSKILL TECH


                      • #12
                        I was able to get all 4 sticks operational with the following BIOS settings:

                        Ai Overclock Tuner: Manual
                        OC From CPU Level Up: Auto
                        CPU Ratio Setting: 17.0
                        BCLK Frequency: 167
                        DRAM Frequency: DDR3-1670Mhz

                        QPI/VTT (IMC Voltage): 1.2875 (actual sometimes up around 1.306)
                        DRAM Voltage: 1.6500

                        CAS# Latency: 9
                        RAS# to CAS# Delay: 9
                        RAS# PRE Time: 9
                        RAS# ACT Time: 27

                        Timing Mode: 2N

                        It ran fine for 3 months but I never actually shut the computer down; I just use sleep mode. It might have rebooted a couple times but was never really off.

                        In mid-January I had to take the computer off-line for several weeks and just today fired it back up. BSOD instantly. Rebooted and it ran for about 10 minutes before another BSOD. Rebooted again and it went about 20 minutes.

                        Nothing changed in the BIOS. Any idea why the same settings would have worked before but not now?

                        Should I try adjusting any of the above? Any recommendations?



                        • #13
                          I'm open for suggestions that would include slower settings or even replacing these memory modules with something different. Perhaps 2 4Gb sticks that would still give me 8Gb total but not require the use of all 4 slots? I'd like to use what I've got, but stability is a requirement.



                          • #14
                            If the BIOS isn't setting things to run correctly, it sort of comes down to trying to balance things out on a case by case basis - might try loosening the CAS to 10 and go 10-9-9-28 or even 9-10-9-27

                            Pls offer comments on support I provide, HERE, in order to help me do a better job here:


