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F3-12800CL9Q-16GBRL vs P8Z77-V LK

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  • F3-12800CL9Q-16GBRL vs P8Z77-V LK

    Hello, guys!

    It's been two months since I got this stuff:

    - Asus P8Z77-V LK
    - gskill F3-12800CL9Q-16GBRL (ddr3 4x4gb 1600mhz)
    - Intel i7-3770

    The other components I got from my old PC:

    - gtx570
    - corsair 650w
    - some ordinary HDs...

    Since the very first time I put everything togheter, I got boot loop because of the memory. After messing A LOT with the modules, the only pattern I've found out is that when all the 4 slots are full, the board does not boot.

    If I change the memory settings on bios bypassing the check with MemOK asus button, I can get it working with 1333mhz and 1.6v but it fails on Memtest or Windows boot.. XMP does not work.

    Mem sticks work with any combination (single, in 2, in 3, on any slot) but not when 4. This is very strange...

    Anyway, I RMA the motherboard. They send me back after testing with another RAM sticks and saying to me that the board was everything ok...

    Then I got the chance to check those mems on a Gigabyte board with an i7 2600k, and I got the same problem! Mem works on any combination but not 4... I RMA the memories and they send me back after 2 weeks saying that they tried the kit on several boards and it worked everything fine.

    Now I don't know what to do! Is that possible that I'm the most bad luck guy in the world that got two bad Memory Control CPUs during both tests? oO
    Last edited by rabellogp; 08-18-2012, 12:51 PM.

  • #2
    DO you have the latest BIOS? If not, update that and try w/ XMP. If no joy, clear CMOS, start with two sticks, turn XMP off (go to manual or auto) set the base timings manually, set CR (Command Rate to 2T or 2N), set DRAM voltage to 1.55, set VTT or CPUVTT to 1.15 or so, save. Shut down, add other two sticks and boot and see what happens, if still no joy, check the DRAM advanced timings and post them up so I can take a look - and when doing so, in particular check tRFC, will prob want about 154, if not close give that a try while there.

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    • #3
      Hi, Tradesman.

      I've tried all those sugestions... No deal.

      One detail that I've forgotten to tell is that sometimes when I put the four sticks together, the mobo starts with the boot loop. Then I change the position of two sticks and the mobo boot with no problems, but I can't boot Windows (I get an advice about memory problem or the SO loads until the logon screen, than I get BSOD). The Windows memtest also detects hardware problem during the first 1/4 of the test progress bar. This totally looks like a bad stick between the 4 (that is not detect as an issue on first boot mem check depending on the order of the slots).

      Anyway, this theory doesn't make sense since I can't find out any issue when testing each stick by itself or in pairs... Is that possible that the kit has any kind of hardware trouble just when running together??

      As you asked me, here are the screens of the advanced timings:

      Thanks for the help!
      Last edited by rabellogp; 08-19-2012, 05:11 AM.


      • #4
        With 4 sticks might try with DRAM REF Cycle Time about 160, if no joy then try testing each stick of DRAM individually, might just start with the 1 stick at a time in slot 1 and make sure all can boot by themselves, if so then try w/ Memtest (maybe (4-5) passes and see if any don't pass (I say 4-5 passes, because the full test takes forever and 4-5 should identify if a stick is bad)

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        • #5

          After a bunch of tests I?ve found a pattern.

          The four modules are numbered with sequential serial numbers and the last digit goes from 5 to 8. I?ve found out that the module 6 is causing trouble. But it?s still a strange issue, because it works fine by itself.

          I?m gonna try to explain what happens:

          The slots on MB are organized in two pairs (black-blue black-blue).

          - Tests with single modules: All the modules work fine in any slot. By "working fine" I mean the MB boots and Windows Memtest runs with no problems.

          - Tests with two modules: When module 6 is combined with another module (any of them) in the same pair of slots, it will not work. When this combination is on the pair from the right (far from the CPU) the MB doesn?t even boot (starts with boot loop). When the combination is on the pair from the left (near the CPU), the MB does boot but the Memtest finds error during the first 20 seconds of tests.

          - Tests with three modules: Same deal here. It works fine if the module 6 is alone in one of the pairs and it doesn?t matter the combination running in the other pair. If module 6 is combine with another module in the same pair of slots, it?s the same deal of the two modules test.

          - Tests with four modules: Doesn?t work at all. It boots if the module 6 is in the pair from the left, but then I get Memtest errors.

          Well... This is still a strange issue, since the module 6 works fine by itself (I left the memtest running a lot of cycles and it didn?t find any error). I also tried Memtest86 from Ubuntu live CD.

          Any ideas?
          Thanks for the attention! =)


          • #6
            Might try kicking up VCCSA a notch, to just over 1.0, maybe the System Agent voltage is lagging

            Pls offer comments on support I provide, HERE, in order to help me do a better job here:



            • #7
              Hi, Tradesman.

              I changed the VCCSA to 1 and no deal =/

              The problem keeps the same... Any more ideas?

              And thanks for the help anyway! =)


              • #8
                Sounds like time for a return or RMA, stick may be good, but not wanting to play with the others

                Pls offer comments on support I provide, HERE, in order to help me do a better job here:


