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3930K+P9X79WS +2 sets of F3-2400C10Q-32GTX

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  • #16
    Dear Customer,

    Your RMA replacement was shipped on 8/20. We sent you an email yesterday providing you with the tracking information. Please confirm receipt. Thank you!

    -G Skill Support


    • #17

      I got the Tracking number on the return RMA the day after you helped me out. Thanks a bunch.

      As for the Ram.... Got it on Friday and it is a much different experience this time.
      Completely stable @2400 and default cpu settings. This is the same place the last set failed everytime.

      So now I know the kit is good I am trying to get back to the over clock I used with the 1866 32gig kit. So far I have not been able to get the 46 multiplier stable. I just started back over again at 39 on all cores to start working my way up again. So far LinX has been running stable at 39 multi for an hour now.

      Any thoughts on being able to run 2400 with cpu at 46 on the P9X79WS?

      I picked up a Rampage iV Extreem and another 3930k. I tried the 64gig kit out on this first since it is listed as a qualified motherboard. The board will not even post after setting XMP mode.

      So now I am trying to run the 32gig kit on the Rampage and can not get it even close to stable with no overclocking on the CPU...
      Probably should make a new thread on this one....



      • #18
        Can be harder to reach a high OC with more DRAM like you have, had a couple systems I worked with where I could OC to 4.8 but once I went from 16 to 32GB I hit the wall at 4.7 without more voltage to VTT and VCCSA which raised temps above what I was happy with, so may want to inch those up a hair .03 to .05 or so to stabilize, and feed the vCore just a bit higher than what you used previously

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