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F2-6400CL4D-4GBHK on Intel D945GCLF2D

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  • F2-6400CL4D-4GBHK on Intel D945GCLF2D

    Is the module kit listed above compatible with this board/chipset? I know the kit is 2x 2GB and the board only has 1 DIMM slot, but I have 2 of these motherboards so it would make sense to get the 2x2GB kit for the pair.

    Is this kit compatible, and will it work stably at 800MHz on this board?


  • #2
    It's an Intel board which can be real picky, and when looking at the specs (unless they've been updated, the specs call for a max of DDR2 5400 (667). The RAM you've chosen is 6400 (800) so you may run into config problems and it may run rather hot.

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    • #3
      So, running overspecified memory could be a problem? How come? And why would it run hot at standard SPD set voltages?
      I have a 4GB kit of G.Skill 1066MHz that I can borrow out of another machine, so I guess I'll try that when the motherboard arrives. If that works, then I guess the 800MHz memory will, too, at whatever speed the motherboard decides to run with it.


      • #4
        Your motherboard will only allow up to 667. If you want to run 800, you will have to manually configure settings in BIOS and there is a possiblity your motherboard BIOS will not even allow the type of changes. You would probably be better off running 667 at a lower latency. Since you already have a G.Skill 1066 kit, definitely give it a shot, but I don't think it'll want to run at DDR2 800. Keep us posted.



        • #5
          Intel doesn't allow for a lot of tolerance and/or OCing in their mobos also the mini-ITX form factor is designed for small space so running the higher rated RAM at 800 or above will generate more heat which could also affect your other components also.

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          • #6
            Still, all above comments on that is one hell of an pair of memory. Seriously I've owned 4 pairs of 1GB set and still own couple pairs and this 2GB set. HK and HZ are near to be best memory there is or I've seen.

            So, if it comes to board I'd still say you got one heck of an memory to work with.
            "Sex is like freeware, shareware on weekends. When do we get to open source?" -TwL

            Thanks AMD/ATI for banning legit customers who asks questions of your screw-ups:

