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Problem with 2x2gb F2-6400CL5D-4GBPQ

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  • Problem with 2x2gb F2-6400CL5D-4GBPQ


    I just tried installing 4gb (2x2) F2-6400CL5D-4GBPQ and encountered some weird issues. My computer turns on fine, but my graphics card is not recognized. Device manager says that it's not working properly (code 43). Also, I lose internet connectivity and there's a "static" sound coming from my speakers. Even with all these problems, my computer recognizes all 4gb of memory.

    None of these problems occur when testing each module individually. It's only with both in at the same time.

    My current comp specs:
    OS - Windows 7 64bit (purchased PC with Vista 32 bit, upgraded to Windows 7 32bit, then to 64 bit)
    Mobo - f690gvm (one that came with my Acer Aspire M5100)
    Processor - Athlon 64 X2 4400
    GPU - GeForce GT 440 (latest drivers installed)

    Thanks for any help anyone can provide. If anymore info is needed, feel free to ask. I'm at a loss!

  • #2
    Might pull and reseat the sticks, and while in there, check and make sure everything else is well seated (Graphics card, power connectors, etc), could also check that screws in the standoffs are snug

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    • #3
      Thanks for the reply,

      I double checked everything inside to make sure it's all in place. I tried putting my old ram back in too just to be sure. Everything loaded up as it should with my old modules. Put the new G.Skill modules back in and same problems occur.

      I also just checked acer's website to see if there's a BIOS update, but it doesn't look like there is


      • #4
        May have a bad stick, might try running Memtest on each stick individually to see if either is bad. Couldn't find a manual for the board, have you tried the sticks in the other two slots

        Pls offer comments on support I provide, HERE, in order to help me do a better job here:



        • #5
          Thanks for the suggestions

          I've tried each of the sticks individually, and everything works fine. It's only when I have both in together that my problems arise. Is it possible that a faulty stick could work on its own, but cause problems when paired? When I get home from work I'll run memtest anway, just to see what comes up..

          Also, I didn't realize I had another two slots. I noticed when installing the modules that there were two slots that looked like DIMM slots next to the two I was previously using, but there were a different color. I wasn't sure if they were ok to try and use or not. (I'm fairly new at doing these types of things, I apologize lol)

          Anyway, thanks for the continued help...really hoping to get this straightened out!


          • #6
            Yes, you can try the other two slots. They are the secondary slots for dual channel.

            It may be a problem with them perfectly matching, so they cause issues in dual channel.

            Thank you
            GSKILL TECH


            • #7
              Awesome, I'll give those other two slots a shot when I get back from work.

              Would the two modules not perfectly matching be an issue with the modules themselves, therefore worth RMAing? Or would that be a hardware issue on my end?

              Also, since my issues only happen when the modules are paired, would it be worth running memtest on the sticks individually or only paired?

              Again, your replies are much appreciated


              • #8
                Yes, the two modules should match perfectly since they are out of a dual channel kit, so you will need to send them in for RMA to see if a new kit works better.

                Generally, you should memtest with one module at a time.

                Thank you
                GSKILL TECH

