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F2-8500CL5D-4GBPI-B with P5Q - Big problem

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  • F2-8500CL5D-4GBPI-B with P5Q - Big problem

    Hi everybody

    I'm new here, and I'am a new GSkill Consummer.

    I've a problem with 2 RAM DDR2 "F2-8500CL5D-4GBPI-B" on a motherboard Asus P5Q (CPU Q9550).

    Since I installed these new RAM (I had PC6400 before), when Windows is loading, there is a blue screen (with some memory adress
    and an errors on the ACPI.SYS).
    After, the PC reboot, Windows launch a repair of the system without success ...

    My bios is updated to the last version (2208).
    I set the RAM timings manually to 5-5-5-15 and their Voltage to 2.1.
    I tried to set memory to 1066MHz manually.
    I tried with one RAM and the other
    I increased the NB voltage to 1.3

    Maybe one Ram is wrong but the two at the same time .... It's strange !

    Is there an possible incompatibility between the motherboard and these RAM ? Or maybe there are some other values
    to change in the bios ?

    I don't know ... But it's impossible for me to load windows.

    Can you help me ?

    Thank you for your help
    Last edited by lumat83; 05-05-2010, 08:10 AM.

  • #2
    Should have no problems at all. Try testing one module at a time, or memtest each stick to see if one may be defective.

    Thank you


    • #3
      Thanks for your answer

      I tested the two sticks, one at a time :

      Always the same problem during Windows is loading (blue screen with memory adress, reboot ... ). Sometimes after the reboot, my computer don't start anymore.

      I launched memtest and I've errors on the 2 sticks : one work for some minutes only and the other crash after 97%

      It's strange for me but it seem that the 2 sticks are defectives ?


      • #4
        Strange, but go ahead and send those back for new replacements and hopefully the new set will be better.

        Thank you


        • #5
          same ram

          hey, I have the same ram, just got it today. My question is what are the differences between "DCT-1" and "DCT-0" and "Both" in DRAM Timing Mode?
          I took couple of pics of my bios. I just need a confirmation if they are ok.
          I have Phenom ii x4 940 black am2+ cpu.


          Last edited by Dachi123; 05-14-2010, 04:49 PM.


          • #6
            DCT 0 and 1 are the memory channels. Simply use "Both", as you have currently set. This will keep both channels active should you want to use all four slots.

            Thank you
            GSKILL TECH


            • #7

              I've a new kit. And all work well now.

              Yes the first was defective

              Thank for your assistance


              • #8
                Fantastic, glad to hear!

                Thank you
                GSKILL TECH

