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  • F2-8800cl5d-4gbpi

    Got my memory today, thought it was going to be easy to overclock these sticks but I can't get them stable even at 1066 5-5-5-15 with 1.9v-2.1v. I have them set to 800Mhz 4-4-4-12 stable. I was completely wrong but I found out I only need 1.49v for a 3.7Ghz overclock on my CPU . Anyone have any ideas to get these running at 1066? Using an AMD system I know 1100mhz might not be achievable.

  • #2
    What mobo? do you have the latest BIOS? What CPU? What is your Command Rate/Timing? (Will need to be 2N), what's your tRFC? (should prob be 127.5 or so), What slots are the sticks in?

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    • #3
      I am using a DFI 790FX-B M2RSH with a phenom II 940, I am using the 1/20/09 not the latest but the latest only add CPU support. I have the sticks in the orange dims. My Command rate is at 2T, I don't see 2N as an option. I don't know what my tRFC is but I will reboot to find out.


      • #4
        Will prob want to set base timings to 5-5-5-15, DRAM Voltage 2.1, command rate at 2T is good, (most AMD systems have gone to the N instead of the T), since yours shows 2T, on the tRFC your options may be 110 or 160 try 110 if the 127 isn't available......and may want to upgrade the BIOS also, when they show a new BIOS they only list what they consider the main upgrade, there are generally lots of updates that affect NB, SB, RAM, all kinds of things

        Pls offer comments on support I provide, HERE, in order to help me do a better job here:



        • #5
          Well today I tested both sticks separately at 1066Mhz in both orange DIMMs. I went from 1.8-2.1v on one stick and it failed. The one I am using now passed with flying colors and even overclocks to 1100mhz on 1.9v awesome. So I may have to RMA the set, I wonder if they would let me keep this one and rma the other one.


          • #6
            Normally they will let you RMA a single stick, might want to e-mail or put a posting on the RMA board here

            Pls offer comments on support I provide, HERE, in order to help me do a better job here:



            • #7
              Yep, you can simply send in one stick,


              Thank you
              GSKILL SUPPORT

