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F2-6400CL5D 4 Sticks in GA-EP45-UD3P

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  • F2-6400CL5D 4 Sticks in GA-EP45-UD3P

    I have been having problems with spontaneous reboots of my system.

    GA-EP45-UD3P (rev 1.1) mobo with Q9400
    4x2GB G.SKILL Dual Channel F2-6400CL5D-4GBPQ (Total 8GB)

    I ran Memtest86 v2.11 and get lots of errors on first pass begining at Test 3

    I ran Memtest on each stick separately (in slot 1) and they check out fine.

    Could someone PLEASE tell me if I need to modify any settings in BIOS, I'm using defaults as I don't want/need to overclock, just want stability.

    On AUTO, the BIOS are defaulting to 5-5-5-15, 1.8v which matches GSKILL's suggested settings. HELP?

  • #2
    With the 8GB you may need to manually raise your tRFC (60+) RAM Timing setting (and possibly others).
    Otherwise at stock settings 5-5-5-15, command rate 2T, and voltage at 1.9

    Pls offer comments on support I provide, HERE, in order to help me do a better job here:



    • #3
      Actually, I have been trying to troubleshoot this via help from the Tweaktown Gigabyte forum. I have tried raising the tRFC a few times (need to start writing numbers down but pretty sure I've gone well over 60), also have definitely tried the ram voltage at 1.9v. I don't think I've tried the command rate at 2T (what does that do by the way?) In the past day, things have actually gotten worse, couldn't even post last night, so I'm back to 1 stick in currently with Optimized Defaults loaded.

      Such a common motherboard this is, seems like someone would have an identical set up.


      • #4
        It's basically the time needed between set signal and issuing a command, 1T is considered tight (preferred) and 2T is a nit looser, most Intel chips work well with 2T

        Pls offer comments on support I provide, HERE, in order to help me do a better job here:



        • #5
          -You need 2T in every case.
          -No you do not need to change tRFC to anything.
          -Run voltage with 2.00v minimum (2.15v even wouldn't be too bad 8GB 4 sticks needs voltage so simply give them that).

          I own same board same memory. Works flawless with CL4-5-4-14 on 800Mhz with this set, if not then quote this message and tell me what test fails and with what memory area on MemTest86+.

          -Only latency I suggest changing is tRAS keep that between 14T(on CL4) or 17T(on CL5).
          "Sex is like freeware, shareware on weekends. When do we get to open source?" -TwL

          Thanks AMD/ATI for banning legit customers who asks questions of your screw-ups:


          • #6
            Never use the default settings, they will have worse results. Set memory frequency, timings, and voltage. Increase NB Voltage to 1.4V. If you are still having instability issues, list the advanced timing values so we can see how the motherboard is taking the memory. Or to make it even easier to troubleshoot, please post screen shots of the BIOS and we will be able to locate the issue.

            Also, make sure Performance Enhance is set to Standard otherwise sometimes it will throw the motherboard off.

            Keep us posted on the results.

            Thank you
            GSKILL SUPPORT


            • #7

              I never have been able to get all 4 sticks to run stable. Here are my current settings:
              GA-EP45-UD3P (rev 1.1 with F9 Bios)

              MB Intelligent Tweaker(M.I.T.)
              Robust Graphics Booster ...............: Auto
              CPU Clock Ratio ..........................: 8 X
              Fine CPU Clock Ratio.....................:.0
              CPU Frequency ...........................: 2.66GHz ( 333x8)

              Clock Chip Control
              Standard Clock Control
              CPU Host Clock Control..................: [Disabled]
              CPU Host Frequency (Mhz) ............: 333
              PCI Express Frequency (Mhz) .........: 100

              C.I.A.2 .................................:[Disabled]

              Advanced Clock Control [Press Enter]
              CPU Clock Drive...........................: <<< 800
              PCI Express Clock Drive.................: <<< 900
              CPU Clock Skew (ps)....................: <<< 0
              MCH Clock Skew (ps)...................: <<< 0

              DRAM Performance Control
              Performance Enhance...................: [STANDARD]
              Extreme Memory Profile (X.M.P.).....: Disabled
              (G)MCH Frequency Latch...............: [Auto]
              System Memory Multiplier ..............: [Auto]
              Memory Frequency (Mhz) ..............: [Auto]
              DRAM Timing Selectable ................: [Manual]

              Standard Timing Control
              CAS Latency Time........................5
              tRCD .........................................5

              Set all Suggested below to highest Values first. Then later you can lower, one at a time, testing as you go

              Advanced Timing Control
              tRRD......................................3.....: AUTO
              tWTR......................................3....: AUTO
              tWR........................................6....: AUTO
              tRFC.......................................52...: 80 (have tried other lower values)
              tRTP........................................3....: AUTO
              Command Rate (CMD) ..............0...: 2

              Driving Strength Profiles
              Driving Strength ............................

              Channel A
              Static tRead Value.........................:AUTO
              tRD Phase0 Adjustment...................:Auto
              tRD Phase1 Adjustment...................:Auto
              tRD Phase2 Adjustment .................:Auto
              tRD Phase3 Adjustment..................:Auto
              Trd2rd(Different Rank)....................:Auto
              Twr2wr(Different Rank)...................:Auto
              Twr2rd(Different Rank)...................:Auto
              Trd2wr(Same/Diff Rank)..................:Auto
              Dimm1 Clock Skew Control...............:Auto
              Dimm2 Clock Skew Control...............:Auto

              Channel B
              Static tRead Value.........................:AUTO
              tRD Phase0 Adjustment...................:Auto
              tRD Phase1 Adjustment...................:Auto
              tRD Phase2 Adjustment .................:Auto
              tRD Phase3 Adjustment..................:Auto
              Trd2rd(Different Rank)....................:Auto
              Twr2wr(Different Rank)...................:Auto
              Twr2rd(Different Rank)...................:Auto
              Trd2wr(Same/Diff Rank)..................:Auto
              Dimm1 Clock Skew Control...............:Auto
              Dimm2 Clock Skew Control...............:Auto

              Motherboard Voltage Control

              CPU Vcore?.???.........................:Auto

              CPU Termination?..... 1.200V*.......: Auto

              CPU PLL???????....1.500V*.......: Auto

              CPU Referen.????....0.755V*.......: Auto

              CPU Reference2???,,0.800V*.......: Auto

              MCH Core?????.....1.100V...........: 1.400v
              MCH Reference?.??.0.760V...........; <<< Auto
              MCH/DRAM Ref.?......0.900V...........: <<< Auto
              ICH I/O??????.....1.500V............: <<< Auto
              ICH Core????...??1.100V............: <<< 1.400V

              DRAM Voltage ??....1.800V............: 1.900V
              DRAM Termination .?0.900V............: <<< Auto
              Channel A Reference 0.900V............: <<< Auto
              Channel B Reference 0.900V............: <<< Auto

              Advanced Settings
              Limit CPUID Max. to 3.....................: [Disabled]
              No-Execute Memory Protect............: [Enabled]
              CPU Enhanced Halt (C1E)................: [Enabled]
              C2/C2E State Support....................: [Disabled]
              x C4/C4E State Support..................: [Disabled]
              CPU Thermal Monitor 2(TM2) ...........: [Enabled]
              CPU EIST Function.........................: [Enabled]
              Virtualization Technology................: [Enabled]

              Integrated Peripherals
              Legacy USB Storage Detect ..............[Enabled]


              • #8
                And to repeat I'm using 4 sticks of the F2-6400CL5D (dark blue)


                • #9
                  Sounds like a winner, now if you'd like you can OC the 9400, it's a decent OCer.

                  Pls offer comments on support I provide, HERE, in order to help me do a better job here:



                  • #10
                    No winner! Can't even boot with the settings that I posted.

                    I meant to say that I'm still having problems.


                    • #11
                      Sorry bout that, think I was checking another post, on your, from above, might try to the arrowed numbers:

                      Advanced Timing Control
                      tRRD......................................3.....: AUTO >4
                      tWTR......................................3....: AUTO >4
                      tWR........................................6....: AUTO >8
                      tRFC.......................................52...: 80 (have tried other lower values) >64
                      tRTP........................................3....: AUTO >4
                      Command Rate (CMD) ..............0...: 2

                      Pls offer comments on support I provide, HERE, in order to help me do a better job here:



                      • #12
                        Tried those advanced settings, and thousands of errors begining on Test #2.

                        What next?


                        • #13
                          This may be reduntant, but what OS are you running XP, Vista or WIN7 and assuming it's 64bit version?
                          Are all you drivers up to date...and... do you have any add-on USB devices or a TV tuner..RAID...SSD?

                          If you can pass that on, in the could pull two sticks - leave the two in slots 2 and 4 and disconnect any add on devices. Boot, go into BIOS and set the BIOS to default settings (exception being boot from hard drive. If it boots and runs OK, then add teh other two sticks into 1-3 and try that. If it doesn't boot OK, try the same thing starting in 1-3 then adding to 2-4. Any BSODs along the way write the error message and pass it along.

                          These mobos have problems between 1-3 and 2-4 as the prime slots. You may also want to try the Beta BIOS F10e dated 7/27/2009 (it's been out a couple of months and I'm sure it addresses some of the RAM issues they have had.

                          Pls offer comments on support I provide, HERE, in order to help me do a better job here:



                          • #14
                            No RAID, or any other bug spray for that matter.

                            Running Vista Ultimate 64

                            Only USB device is/was a Microsoft cam.

                            F9 Bios running.

                            I've tested every stick and every slot separately and in pairs, all ok.


                            • #15
                              Try the following settings:

                              MB Intelligent Tweaker(M.I.T.)
                              Robust Graphics Booster ...............: Auto
                              CPU Clock Ratio ..........................: 8 X
                              Fine CPU Clock Ratio.....................:.0
                              CPU Frequency ...........................: 2.66GHz ( 333x8)

                              Clock Chip Control
                              Standard Clock Control
                              CPU Host Clock Control..................: [Disabled]
                              CPU Host Frequency (Mhz) ............: 333
                              PCI Express Frequency (Mhz) .........: 100

                              C.I.A.2 .................................:[Disabled]

                              Advanced Clock Control [Press Enter]
                              CPU Clock Drive...........................: <<< 800
                              PCI Express Clock Drive.................: <<< 900
                              CPU Clock Skew (ps)....................: <<< 0
                              MCH Clock Skew (ps)...................: <<< 0

                              DRAM Performance Control
                              Performance Enhance...................: [STANDARD]
                              Extreme Memory Profile (X.M.P.).....: Disabled
                              (G)MCH Frequency Latch...............: [Auto]
                              System Memory Multiplier ..............: [2.40]
                              Memory Frequency (Mhz) ..............: [800]
                              DRAM Timing Selectable ................: [Manual]

                              Standard Timing Control
                              CAS Latency Time........................5
                              tRCD .........................................5

                              Advanced Timing Control
                              tRRD......................................3.....: 4
                              tWTR......................................3....: 4
                              tWR........................................6....: 6
                              tRFC.......................................52...: 80
                              tRTP........................................3....: 4
                              Command Rate (CMD) ..............0...: 2

                              Driving Strength Profiles
                              Driving Strength ............................

                              Channel A
                              Static tRead Value.........................:AUTO
                              tRD Phase0 Adjustment...................:Auto
                              tRD Phase1 Adjustment...................:Auto
                              tRD Phase2 Adjustment .................:Auto
                              tRD Phase3 Adjustment..................:Auto
                              Trd2rd(Different Rank)....................:Auto
                              Twr2wr(Different Rank)...................:Auto
                              Twr2rd(Different Rank)...................:Auto
                              Trd2wr(Same/Diff Rank)..................:Auto
                              Dimm1 Clock Skew Control...............:Auto
                              Dimm2 Clock Skew Control...............:Auto

                              Channel B
                              Static tRead Value.........................:AUTO
                              tRD Phase0 Adjustment...................:Auto
                              tRD Phase1 Adjustment...................:Auto
                              tRD Phase2 Adjustment .................:Auto
                              tRD Phase3 Adjustment..................:Auto
                              Trd2rd(Different Rank)....................:Auto
                              Twr2wr(Different Rank)...................:Auto
                              Twr2rd(Different Rank)...................:Auto
                              Trd2wr(Same/Diff Rank)..................:Auto
                              Dimm1 Clock Skew Control...............:Auto
                              Dimm2 Clock Skew Control...............:Auto

                              Motherboard Voltage Control

                              CPU Vcore….……….........................:Auto

                              CPU Termination…..... 1.200V*.......: Auto

                              CPU PLL…………………....1.500V*.......: Auto

                              CPU Reference…………....0.755V*.......: Auto

                              CPU Reference2………,,0.800V*.......: Auto

                              MCH Core…………….....1.100V...........: 1.400v
                              MCH Reference….…….0.760V...........; <<< Auto
                              MCH/DRAM Ref.…......0.900V...........: <<< 1.000V
                              ICH I/O……………….....1.500V............: <<< Auto
                              ICH Core…………...……1.100V............: <<< Auto

                              DRAM Voltage ……....1.800V............: 1.900V
                              DRAM Termination .…0.900V............: <<< Auto
                              Channel A Reference 0.900V............: <<< Auto
                              Channel B Reference 0.900V............: <<< Auto

                              Advanced Settings
                              Limit CPUID Max. to 3.....................: [Disabled]
                              No-Execute Memory Protect............: [Enabled]
                              CPU Enhanced Halt (C1E)................: [Disabled]
                              C2/C2E State Support....................: [Disabled]
                              x C4/C4E State Support..................: [Disabled]
                              CPU Thermal Monitor 2(TM2) ...........: [Enabled]
                              CPU EIST Function.........................: [Disabled]
                              Virtualization Technology................: [Enabled]

                              Let me know how that goes.

                              Thank you
                              GSKILL SUPPORT

