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F2-6400CL5D-4GBPQ Fails Memtes86

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  • F2-6400CL5D-4GBPQ Fails Memtes86

    I just got a 2x2GB F2-6400CL5D-4GBPQ and I had 2x1GB F2-6400CL5-1GBNQ.
    I thought these would work together since they have the same timings and are both g.skill.
    So I installed the extra 4GB to my Gigabyte 965P-DS4 v1.0 and started installing Windows 7 64-bit.

    All went well but after a while the computer started to BSOD so I removed the 2GB-kit and tried again. Still the Windows BSOD so I tried running memtest86 and it got tons of errors immediately. I swapped the RAMS from slot 2/4 to 1/3 but still errors. Also tried the rams by them self, still errors.

    So is my RAM faulty or do I need to change any settings? If I get a new pair can I use them with my 2gb g.skill I have since before?


    Note that I had no overclock whatsoever when trying this.

  • #2
    When you have the F2-6400CL5D-4GBPQ installed, make sure everything in BIOS is set properly. If it is, then you may have defective sticks, but it is very rare that both are defective.

    You should be able to operate both sets, but you will need to have the 2GB sticks in slots 1/3 and the 1GB sticks in slots 2/4. Then increase NB Voltage to 1.4V. In memory timings, make sure tRFC is 68+.

    Make sure the 4GB set is stable first before attempting installing them all. Keep us posted on the results.

    Thank you


    • #3
      By setting the the tRFC to 68 it seems to work now. Also added the extra 2GB, added 0.1+ (1.9v now) on the ram and 0.25+ to the (G)MCH and passed all the memtests now.

      do you think it's enough voltage for the NB or do I need to add more?



      • #4
        Sounds like you have it, as long as it's stable, should be okay, if stability goes south try upping the tRFC to 70-72. Voltage looks fine

        Pls offer comments on support I provide, HERE, in order to help me do a better job here:



        • #5
          Windows giving me BSOD again, so I'll try with tRFC 70 now and hope for the best.


          • #6
            I tried tRFC 70,71 and 72 but still BSOD any other things I could try?
            here's the rest of the settings:
            Last edited by olafthekid; 08-24-2009, 12:34 PM.


            • #7
              Umm.. maybe because the Rank Write to READ Delay and Write to Precharge Delay is completely whacked out of spec. Change those to the numbers right next to them. 3 and 6. Keep me psoted on the results.

              Thank you
              GSKILL SUPPORT


              • #8
                doh! don't know why I didn't see that, know for sure I haven't changed them...
                Will do a try with the right values.


                • #9
                  nope still BSOD... tried different tRFC settings...

                  Anything else to try?



                  • #10
                    Might want to add a bit more to the NB

                    Pls offer comments on support I provide, HERE, in order to help me do a better job here:



                    • #11
                      More voltage to the NB +0.50v, didn't do the trick either. Removed the 2GB kit and tried several settings with only the 4GB kit, No go. What do I do wrong?
                      I have a clock of 8x400MHZ on my E6600 some extra voltage to the FSB +0.20v and to the CPU 1.35000 but that should affect the RAM right?

                      Everything works great with the 2GB kit, the settings is mostly standard just +0.200v for the DDR voltage.

                      Last edited by olafthekid; 08-25-2009, 05:53 AM.


                      • #12
                        Anyone know what I could try next?


                        • #13
                          If you could post shots of the CPU settings and the new memory settings as well, that would be great.

                          tRFC should be set around 80. MCH OverVoltage Control to +0.30V.

                          You may have a bad stick in the new 4GB set. If the above doesn't work, revert everything back to 4GB settings and test each stick to make sure that neither is defective. Keep us posted on the progress.

                          Thank you
                          GSKILL SUPPORT


                          • #14
                            Set default settings in BIOS and tried each stick with Microsoft Memory Diagnostic. One stick failed every test while the other one passed them. So it seems like there's a bad stick that's causing all my problems.

                            Should I RMA the whole kit or just the bad one?



                            • #15
                              GSkill, is normally off on weekends, but sometimes pops in on Sundays for awhile. Believe they will prob go ahead and let you RMA a single stick, but not positive. May want to do both sticks, in hopes they have been tested together and are okay.

                              Pls offer comments on support I provide, HERE, in order to help me do a better job here:


