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F2 8500CL 5-2GBTD x2+ ASUS P5N-T deluxe

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  • #16
    OK here are the advanced timings that I can adjust on my motherboard in the bios.


    Any advice appreciated.


    • #17
      Well, I'd search problem on tRD (this is directly releated to read speed performance). However, +1-2T there would probably solve the issue straight up. (Funny it's not on MemSet marked as 'Performance Level'.). Other might be the tWTR on MemSet it says '10T', but it will not go lower than 12T. So, would check what's that on BIOS (might even read 2T or 3T "this is correct in a sense")
      Last edited by genetix; 09-14-2009, 06:31 AM.
      "Sex is like freeware, shareware on weekends. When do we get to open source?" -TwL

      Thanks AMD/ATI for banning legit customers who asks questions of your screw-ups:


      • #18
        The advanced timings should be set to this:

        tRRD - 4
        tRC - 30
        tWR - 8
        tWTR - 4
        tREF - AUTO
        tRD - 10
        tRFC - 80

        Let me know how that works.

        Thank you


        • #19
          I tried the suggested settings.

          First problem was that tWR only goes up to 7.

          So I left it at 7 and set the rest to the suggested values. The system unfortunately would not even POST at these values.

          Any other ideas please?


          • #20

            It's been about a week since I posted how the suggested settings worked out.

            I would be really grateful for any further advice that you can offer on getting this memory to run at its rated speed.


            • #21
              Bloooz, first off I'll say I'm no expert, but I have been helping out on RAM problems a bit lately. A couple of things.

              The tech recommended a DRAM voltage of 2.0V. Have you done that?

              You mentioned you OC the system by adjusting the bus speed a little. Well, RAM at 1066MHz may be quite stable without an alteration of the bus speed - but unstable at a higher base speed. The bus speed affects the overall speed of the RAM. For example, on my AMD board, I have a base bus speed of 200 - which makes my RAM run at 1066 because for me, my RAM is multiplied at 5.33 times bus speed. All is stable at this point. If I increase the bus speed to 210, then the RAM becomes 1119MHz and is unstable.

              I'm not saying that this is your problem - but you need to run some tests with NO OC settings in place. If the RAM performs well with only normal/auto settings, then the RAM is fine.

              Generally, upping the voltage will solve the problem of RAM not POSTing at its "proper" value. So doing that may relieve you of needing to alter the speed at all.


              • #22
                Hi Mongo

                Thanks for posting and offering advice.

                I did try overclocking in the early stages as a means of increasing the speed of the RAM, however it was not very succesful and I have been back to stock speeds ever since.

                The RAM is rock solid at 800 MHz and stock bus speeds, but I bought it because it is rated at 1066 MHz and would prefer to run it at that speed if possible.

                I have the RAM voltage and NB voltage set as per advice from G.SKILL TECH earlier in this thread.

                I have had the RAM running at 1066 and appearing to be stable by making small adjustments suggested earlier in the thresd, but it has always turned out to be unstable and either locked up the PC or BSOD and once it has crashed the system will not boot unless I switch back to 800 MHz speed.


                • #23
                  You may need to relax timings to 5-7-7-20 to get stability at 1066. tWR not being able to reach 8 really handicaps you and causes the instability issues. You relax timings and run 1066, or run 800 and tighten timings to 4-4-4-12 and operate at same speeds as 1066 CL5. By getting 1066 to work, it just might slow it down more than if it were at 800, which is why I would suggest that.

                  Thank you
                  GSKILL SUPPORT


                  • #24
                    Thanks for the advice.

                    The memory seems to be stable at 4-4-4-12.

                    Can you recommend any software that will give an accurate benchmark of the memory performance @ 800 running 4-4-4-12 and @ 1066 running 5-5-5-15?

                    Obviously if it runs faster at 800 with tighter timings I will be better off leaving it at that (maybe even try to tighten up a tiny bit more to squeeze a bit of extra performance out )

                    Again thanks for all the help and suggestions.


                    • #25
                      I doubt you can tighten it up further!

                      800 @ 4 is has more throughput than 1066 @ 5 - it's faster. The reasons are complicated but some exploration at Wiki or Googling for the relationship between RAM speed and Latency will give you detailed explanation.


                      • #26
                        Everest Ultimate. 30 day trial at

                        Benchmark at 800 CL4, then change settings to 1066 CL5 and benchmark. You may want to tune other settings and tighten timings if you're interested to get the best performance out of it since you have the benchmark program.
                        Keep us posted on the results.

                        Thank you
                        GSKILL SUPPORT


                        • #27
                          Thanks for settings. They worked very well. I am using 4 slots as well and have not changed the NB voltage. So far running 24 hours with no problems.

                          Thanks again,

